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Thursday, October 10

9:00am EDT

Empowering Lexicographical Data Contributions on Wikidata with Lexica
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am EDT
In this session, participants will explore the fascinating world of lexicographical data on Wikidata and discover how they can contribute meaningfully using Lexica, a tool specifically designed to facilitate micro-edits to Lexemes directly from mobile devices. The workshop will begin with a concise introduction to lexicographical data, providing context and understanding of its importance in documenting and preserving languages. Following this, we will dive into Lexica, demonstrating its features and guiding participants through the process of linking Lexemes to Items on Wikidata. This hands-on session aims to empower attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to make impactful contributions to Wikidata's lexicographical data, whether they are seasoned contributors or new to the field. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped with practical skills to use Lexica for enriching language data on Wikidata.
avatar for Raisha Abdillah

Raisha Abdillah

Project Lead, Wikidata Software Collaboration Indonesia
Thursday October 10, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am EDT

10:00am EDT

Disclosing Linked Open Data at Nieuwe Instituut
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am EDT
Nieuwe Instituut (NI) houses around 4 million pieces from the National Collection of Architecture and Urban Planning, managing a vast and valuable array of architecture and design archives. In a bid to improve accessibility to this archive, the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (OCW) allocated 11 million euros in 2022. As part of this program, the Linked Open Data (LOD) project endeavors to unveil the richness of NI's archive to the public using semantic web technologies and facilitates LOD connections with other architecture collections.

During our presentation we showcase a series of projects that illustrate our journey with LOD. We provide an overview of the LOD transformation process and demonstrate how we link to external resources such as RKD artist and Getty AAT. Additionally, we discuss the Data Cleaning Initiative (DCI), which ensures the quality of our collection data by cleaning and enriching it. Within the realm of data enrichment, we highlight two initiatives: the Asterisk project, which offers more contextual information through critical review of archival description, and the AI-closed-beta project, a collaboration with Axiell Group, where we utilize AI discovery tools for entity recognition and provide semantic annotations from Wikidata. Lastly, we outline future directions as the OCW program ends.

Loïs Hutubessy

Collection System Manager, Nieuwe Instituut

Nora Abdelmageed

Nieuwe Instituut
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:45am EDT

10:45am EDT

Thursday morning break
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:45am - 11:00am EDT

11:00am EDT

Lightning Talks 5
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
Morning session with three short talks + questions and answers. Please click on the links to the fuller descriptions of each talk for more details.

11:00AM-11:10AM: Compounding drugs data: developing a drug terms tool for knowledge synthesis projects using linked open data
Tyler Ostapyk, Librarian, WRHA Virtual Library, University of Manitoba

11:10AM-11:20AM: Developing a Spanish-language Homosaurus: Using Multi-language Linked Data to Enhance LGBTQ+ Resource Discoverability
Ernesto Cuba, Postdoctoral fellow, University of Washington, Information School

11:20AM-11:30AM: Controlled Vocabulary Linked Data for Improved Subject Access to LGBTQ+ Cultural Heritage Resources
Joseph Dudley, System Librarian, Bryant & Stratton College

11:30AM-11:45AM: Questions and discussion
avatar for Tyler Ostapyk

Tyler Ostapyk

Librarian, WRHA Virtual Library, University of Manitoba
avatar for Joseph Dudley

Joseph Dudley

System Librarian, Bryant & Stratton College
I am a librarian at Bryant & Stratton College, working virtually to provide reference assistance and technical services to BSC students and faculty in western NY, OH, and WI.  We are looking forward to becoming a Linked Data library in order to share our collections across several... Read More →
avatar for Ernesto Cuba

Ernesto Cuba

Postdoctoral fellow, University of Washington, Information School
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT

11:01am EDT

Compounding drugs data: developing a drug terms tool for knowledge synthesis projects using linked open data
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:01am - 11:10am EDT
For knowledge synthesis projects such as systematic reviews it is necessary to build a literature search strategy that is broad enough to capture all available literature on a research topic. For research involving pharmaceutical interventions this often requires identifying the various brand names and synonyms used for a particular drug. This is typically done through a combination of discussion with experts in the field, an investigation of terms used in existing literature, and a manual examination of various thesauri.

With the objective of saving searchers time when building their list of search terms, the author has developed a tool that queries various linked data sources including Wikidata, RxNorm, MeSH, and PubChem. Using the results of the query, the tool then produces a search string that can be directly input into bibliographic databases such as Ovid Medline or CINAHL. Although the intention is for this tool to be as comprehensive as possible, restrictive access policies and fees for API use have prevented the inclusion of some authoritative data sources for drug terms. These barriers to access have proved challenging and may limit the effectiveness of the tool.
avatar for Tyler Ostapyk

Tyler Ostapyk

Librarian, WRHA Virtual Library, University of Manitoba
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:01am - 11:10am EDT

11:10am EDT

Developing a Spanish-language Homosaurus: Using Multi-language Linked Data to Enhance LGBTQ+ Resource Discoverability
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:10am - 11:20am EDT
In this lightning talk, I will present the ongoing implementation of the Spanish Homosaurus project, an international linked open data (LOD) vocabulary of Spanish LGBTQ+ terms that supports improved access to LGBTQ+ resources within cultural heritage institutions––libraries, archives, and museums––worldwide. The Spanish Homosaurus is further situated within the landscape of multi-language description and, in particular, efforts to move beyond the monolingualism and Anglocentrism of library and information studies practice. Phase one of this LOD project involved developing an initial Spanish vocabulary based on one-to-one translation of terms included in the (original English) Homosaurus, whose first version dates back to 2013. This stage also covered the Spanish Homosaurus platform development and relationship building between library and archives partners and the project team. In this brief talk, I will delve into the activities of the current second phase of the project, which aims to add new terms beyond Standard Spanish-translated terms, concretely, community-preferred, colloquial language employed in Spain and the 19 predominantly Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. Phase two entails including culturally specific LGBTQ+ terms drawing from the collections of the Spanish Homosaurus partners. I will conclude with remarks about the challenges and opportunities for information science professionals in carrying out the Spanish Homosaurus.
avatar for Ernesto Cuba

Ernesto Cuba

Postdoctoral fellow, University of Washington, Information School
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:10am - 11:20am EDT

11:20am EDT

Controlled Vocabulary Linked Data for Improved Subject Access to LGBTQ+ Cultural Heritage Resources
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:20am - 11:30am EDT
This lightning talk will review the Homosaurus project, an international controlled vocabulary of LGBTQ+ terms expressed as linked data and designed to supplement broad subject term vocabularies such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). The talk will review the vocabulary’s beginnings as a term list to describe resources in the Dutch language Homodoc bibliographic database in the 1980s, its translation to English in 1997 as the Queer Thesaurus, and its later conversion into Homosaurus version 1 (2013) and release as a linked data vocabulary (2015), which dramatically increased accessibility by allowing GLAM institutions around the world to access a standardized LGBTQ+ vocabulary. The talk will also review the current international usage of the Homosaurus (over 50 GLAM institutions in 11 countries), its approval for use in MARC bibliographic records using the source code HomeIT, and its support of the LGBTQ+ student and research communities by serving as a counterpoint to larger subject vocabularies which may contain outdated terms and thus contribute to biased search practices.
avatar for Joseph Dudley

Joseph Dudley

System Librarian, Bryant & Stratton College
I am a librarian at Bryant & Stratton College, working virtually to provide reference assistance and technical services to BSC students and faculty in western NY, OH, and WI.  We are looking forward to becoming a Linked Data library in order to share our collections across several... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:20am - 11:30am EDT

11:45am EDT

Midday Break
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 1:00pm EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 11:45am - 1:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Putting It Together: Lessons Learned from Implementation of the DS 2.0 Project for the Digital Scriptorium Catalog
Thursday October 10, 2024 1:00pm - 1:45pm EDT
This presentation will focus on the challenges encountered, insights gained, and lessons learned by the DS 2.0 Project team during practical implementation of the development plans for the redesigned Digital Scriptorium (DS) Catalog, a national union catalog and Linked Open Database for metadata about premodern manuscripts held in North American institutional collections. The presentation will review the innovations of the DS Catalog data model, its use as a metadata schema, and its related workflows to aggregate, enrich, and harmonize heterogeneous data about premodern manuscripts. This overview will outline the use of Wikibase infrastructure as the basis for the data model, explain the process for semantic enrichment of contributed data, and discuss the use of Linked Open Vocabularies for authority control. The presentation will also describe complications and difficulties experienced, and solutions employed, by the DS team. Among the issues to be explored will be strategies for handling disparate formats, standards, and levels of quality in contributed data; decision-making for entity management in the DS Catalog authorities; the tools, techniques, and workflows used for DS data enrichment and curation; and special concerns raised regarding metadata about cultural heritage and manuscript objects.
avatar for L.P. Coladangelo

L.P. Coladangelo

DS Catalog Project and Data Manager, Digital Scriptorium
Based in Northeast Ohio, I am the Digital Scriptorium Catalog Project and Data Manager and a PhD Candidate in Communication and Information at Kent State University. My research interests include knowledge organization systems, metadata, semantic technologies, and information organization... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 1:00pm - 1:45pm EDT

1:45pm EDT

Hidden Histories: Illuminating LGBTQ+ archives at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada using Wikidata
Thursday October 10, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm EDT
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Special Collections and Archives has been strategically working to increase the discoverability, visibility, and access to collections related to marginalized communities in Southern Nevada. In the first stage of this grant-funded Wiki project, over 60 archival collections and 80 oral histories, including related people, businesses, and events associated with the Las Vegas LGBTQ+ community, have been contributed to Wikidata. In this presentation, the author continues this work by introducing UNLV's Special Collections Wiki project, "LGBTQ Hidden Histories." The presentation will discuss ongoing efforts to create, expand, and enrich linked data about the Nevada LGBTQ+ community, address challenges faced during entity extraction using archival materials, and conclude with a linked data visualization exercise using Wikiframe-VG (Wikiframe Visual Graph).
avatar for Kayla Ott

Kayla Ott

Wikimedian-In-Residence, University of Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday October 10, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Thursday afternoon break
Thursday October 10, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Semantic MediaWiki as Linked Open Data Platform
Thursday October 10, 2024 3:00pm - 3:45pm EDT
Semantic MediaWiki is a very flexible platform for providing linked open data, collaborativley editing data and interlinking data from other sources including Wikidata.

The talk will demonstrate features of Semantic MediaWiki and how to use them in order to set it up as a linked data platform. Some examples from the Vienna History Wiki and other use cases will be shown. See also Krabina, 2023: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.websem.2022.100771
Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) is an open-source knowledge management solution based on MediaWiki, the software the powers Wikipedia, but is also used in more than 60.000 third-party wikis. With SMW, MediaWiki can be turned into a Linked Open Data Platform. I will demonstrate what elements are needed for a linked open data platform and how this can be achieved with SMW. I will also highlight the differences to Wikibase (the MediaWiki extension that powers Wikidata). Wikibase is a great platform, but so is SMW, and in the talk I will highlight advantages and disadvantages of using either or the approaches.

I will provide examples from GLAM Wikis such as the Vienna History Wiki or the FINA and SILVER wikis, which are about scholarly correspondence in the 16-18th century and ancient silver coins covering aspects of interlinking data between a GLAM wiki and Wikidata or other vocabularies such as Nomisma and Schema.org.

Bernhard Krabina

Managing Partner, Knowledge Management Associates
Thursday October 10, 2024 3:00pm - 3:45pm EDT

3:45pm EDT

Enhancing Search and Discovery for LGBTQIA+ Materials at the Orbis Cascade Alliance and Beyond: a Tour of the Homosaurus Implementation Project
Thursday October 10, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm EDT
In 2023, the Orbis Cascade Alliance’s Cataloging Standing Group (CSG) launched a project to retrospectively add terms from the Homosaurus international linked data vocabulary to bibliographic records across its consortium’s holdings. This project serves as a model for libraries and vendors seeking to expand search and discovery for LGBTQIA+ materials using linked data in national bibliographic databases. The project provides pathways for non-library metadata experts to expand discovery and mitigate harm in bibliographic records and library systems drawing from their diverse perspectives.

This presentation will highlight training materials developed for the project, workflows for enhancing the Homosaurus with suggestions for new terms or revisions to existing terms, and an overview of a process for submitting proposals to the SACO Gender and Sexuality Funnel Project. Presenters will also discuss reflections on project participants’ integration with the Homosaurus community of practice through implementation coordination and the development of best practices, plans for advocacy with metadata vendors and library systems, and lessons learned from managing a consortium-wide project.
avatar for Rose Krause

Rose Krause

Eastern Washington University
avatar for Crystal Yragui

Crystal Yragui

Co-Interim Head, Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit, University of Washington
Thursday October 10, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Community-building through international collaboration on multilingual LOD vocabulary: Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:30pm - 5:15pm EDT
The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) will present the Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging project, a LOD vocabulary used by museums to index and access their collections. We will describe how Nomenclature has leveraged LOD to enhance the dataset through co-referencing with other LOD vocabularies, and has developed LOD features to make it easier for museums to implement the vocabulary within their collections management systems. Nomenclature is an international partnership between CHIN, the Nomenclature Committee of the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) and Parks Canada. Development is driven by the museum community, with Nomenclature users continuously making submissions to the Nomenclature Committee for the addition of new terms and alterations to existing terms. We will describe the community-building aspects of this multilingual, international project: the governance, and how the various committees and language communities work together to include terminology in Spanish, French, Inuktitut (an Inuit language), and Canadian regional terms. Despite limited financial and human resources, CHIN and the Nomenclature Committee have developed partnerships and technologies to support these initiatives. Nomenclature will continue to respond to the needs of the community, through terminology review, modernized conventions, technological improvements, and inclusion of terms for Indigenous concepts and in Indigenous languages.
avatar for Heather Dunn

Heather Dunn

Heritage Information Analyst, Canadian Heritage Information Network
Heather Dunn is a Heritage Information Analyst with the Canadian Heritage Information Network, with a focus on museum collections management and documentation.

Trang Dang

IT Technical Advisor, Canadian Heritage Information Network
Trang Dang is an IT Technical Advisor with the Canadian Heritage Network, with a focus on data management and development.

Philippe Michon

Semantic Web Analyst, Canadian Heritage Information Network
Thursday October 10, 2024 4:30pm - 5:15pm EDT

5:15pm EDT

Thursday Social Hour
Thursday October 10, 2024 5:15pm - 6:00pm EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 5:15pm - 6:00pm EDT
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LD4 2024 Conference
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